The IDEAL Investor Show: The Path to Early Retirement
Welcome to the IDEAL Investor Show. This show is created for anybody interested in being financially free and understanding the benefits of generating passive income through long-term investing. The common goal is to reach your time-freedom point (ASAP) and no longer have to exchange time for money. If you find yourself craving early retirement, seeking answers, struggling to take that first step, or just look for new information, you need to tune in! Join Axel and special guests as they discuss many different success strategies, practical steps for you, and new investing perspectives in our weekly episodes. Visit www.idealwealthgrower.com for more priceless resources you'll get, save, and steps to gain time freedom.
The IDEAL Investor Show: The Path to Early Retirement
How Successful Remote Landlords Build their Avenger Team to solve problems
Axel Meierhoefer
Krista Reuther writes data-driven, actionable material to help landlords and renters alike. She makes difficult topics accessible, and as a guest, she answered questions with actionable steps - enjoy,
[00:00-05:09] From writing to being a real estate investor
[05:10-06:46] Different strategy, same goal
[06:47-09:38] Out-of-state solution
[09:39-18:34] Remove the middleman?
[18:35-23:35] Build your Avenger team
[23:36-24:45] Be a better Landlord for free
[24:46-30:15] Investor Q&A
Be a better Landlord for free at https://www.turbotenant.com/
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