The IDEAL Investor Show: The Path to Early Retirement

How Successful Remote Landlords Build their Avenger Team to solve problems

Axel Meierhoefer

Krista Reuther writes data-driven, actionable material to help landlords and renters alike. She makes difficult topics accessible, and as a guest, she answered questions with actionable steps - enjoy,

[00:00-05:09] From writing to being a real estate investor
[05:10-06:46] Different strategy, same goal
[06:47-09:38] Out-of-state solution
[09:39-18:34] Remove the middleman?
[18:35-23:35] Build your Avenger team
[23:36-24:45] Be a better Landlord for free
[24:46-30:15] Investor Q&A

Be a better Landlord for free at

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